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Home News Bollywood Daily Roshni Chopra gets scuba diving certificate

Roshni Chopra gets scuba diving certificate

By FNN | February 2, 2012, 10:19am IST

Roshni Chopra gets scuba diving certificateActress Roshni Chopra, who was last seen in the movie "Phhir", has got an official scuba diving certificate.

The 31-year-old took a Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI) course, while holidaying in Koh Samui in Thaliand.

"At first, it was difficult as you have to learn to breathe from your mouth that too under water. Also, being bitten by jelly fish on the 1st day was the most irritating part and I was quite aggravated with my husband to have taken me on such a vacation.

But after the first week training, when we actually did the dive and saw the amazing under water life," Roshni said in a statement.

Roshni made a name for herself in the showbiz by playing Pia in the serial "Kasamh Se" and later featured in shows like "Desi Girls" and "Comedy Circus".

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