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Home News Bollywood Daily Emraan Abhay to ruffle feathers in Shanghai

Emraan Abhay to ruffle feathers in Shanghai

By FNN | February 22, 2012, 10:28am IST
First look of Shanghai has created a stir. Even though it is not an official poster of the film, the very sight of Emraan Hashmi and Abhay Deol in attire that suits the mood of Shanghai has made many sit up and notice. However there is an insight worthy that deserves to be shared. Even though the film is touted to be a political-social thriller and promises to expose big money politics and 'revenge' of the common man, it has no intentions of throwing any names.

"Yes, that was something that director Dibakar Banerjee was very clear about", informs our source, "He doesn't want the film to start targeting any individuals or situations. He intends to tell an entertaining tale where politics and revenge are used as ingredients instead of coming across as any message."

This means that even though there are quite a few fiery episodes and dialogues up for offer in Shanghai and audience may be left to make their own interpretations of the situations, there won't be any direct references to any political party, scam or scandals.

"Shanghai is Dibakar's most commercial film till date. Also with Emraan Hashmi in lead, he won't be looking at taking any arty route where his fans feel cheated. Experimentation is fine and he is doing that already with Abhay who has been given a completely different look and characterization. In fact he is playing a 40 year old in the movie. However, the buck stops there. Beyond that it would be entertainment that would do the talking. No one would be digging any graves or bringing out any skeletons from the cupboard", the source confirms.

One now waits to see this film (which has been inspired by Costa Gavras directed Z) eventually comes across on screen since expectations are huge. Meanwhile Dibakar sticks to his stance of keeping Shanghai as 'unbiased' as possible.

"See, you make a film with responsibility to talk about a general situation", he says, "When we are talking about politics, corruption, money and the common man, we are not looking at any specific situation in a country. We have to make a film without being biased. No one would be taking any digs at individual people or situations."

However, one always felt that Emraan and Abhay would get into a mode that would act as a social awakening of sorts. "We should not try and portray a film as an answer of all the problems in our country. The intent is to make the most honest film that we can and market it the way it is most fitting. That's about it", he concludes.

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