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Home News Bollywood Daily Shahid had a Four-Day birthday celebration in Goa

Shahid had a Four-Day birthday celebration in Goa

By FNN | February 27, 2012, 1:16pm IST

Shahid had a Four-Day birthday celebration in GoaA bitchy actress called to say that the way Shahid Kapoor had a three (or was it four?) day celebration in Goa leading to his 31st birthday on February 25 is a tad intriguing.

The normally reticient actor's photographs at the bash with bikini-clad girls hovering around did capture attention.

"It appeared as if he was born in a leap year and can celebrate his birthday on February 29 " once in four years.

That his ex-flame Kareena Kapoor and her beau Saif Ali Khan were also in the news was purely coincidental." Hmmmm...

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