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Home News Bollywood Daily Meet the young producer of 'Bombay Talkies' -- Ashi-Dua

Meet the young producer of 'Bombay Talkies' -- Ashi-Dua

By Mid-Day | April 20, 2013, 10:48am IST
Summary: 28-year-old Ashi Dua is the producer behind the series of short films that will mark the 100 years of Indian cinema.

She's 28 and certainly one of India's youngest film producers around. But what Ashi Dua lacks in age she seems to have made up with her confidence. After all, she is the producer of the forthcoming four-short-films feature titled Bombay Talkies.

Apparently, getting different filmmakers like Anurag Kashyap, Dibakar Banerjee, Zoya Akhtar and Karan Johar together for her project was as big a challenge as the required finance.

"I just went to these directors thinking they might not take me seriously but they did and all of them were more than ready to pitch in with their time and effort. Once they agreed, the second obstacle was the budget. That's when Viacom18's Vikram Malhotra entered the scene and solved the problem for us," adds the debutante producer.

After releasing in India, the film will be screened at the Cannes Film Festival next month. Needless to mention, Ashi is more than excited. "I went to Paris last month to submit our film to the jury at Cannes. On Thursday, we got the confirmation that it will be having a special gala screening to commemorate the completion of 100 year of Indian cinema. On May 19, there will be a red carpet event for my directors too," gushes the Bandra girl.

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