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Home News Bollywood Daily Zarine Khan's 'Salman' moment in Bhopal

Zarine Khan's 'Salman' moment in Bhopal

By Mid-Day | April 22, 2013, 12:58pm IST
Summary: Zarine Khan had to undergo some daunting moments in Bhopal, thanks to her Salman Khan-connect.

Zarine Khan may be missing in action from the big screen but she keeps herself occupied with event launches. She is one of the names on the appearance market all over the country. The Veer and Housefull 2 actress was recently invited to Bhopal for a store launch which proved to be an intimidating experience for her.

Says a source, "Zarine reached the store at 2 pm and was supposed to leave by 3.15 pm to catch a flight back to Mumbai. However after the ribbon cutting, the crowd that had gathered refused to move. They kept chanting her Salman Khan-starrer Character Dheela item number from Ready."

The crowd that had gathered in Bhopal

Adds the onlooker, "As the crowd kept multiplying, the security wasn't enough for crowd control. Zarine and her manager were stuck inside the store for an hour. But the crowd seemed relentless and began to grow impatient. The organisers had no choice but to request her to address the crowd directly.

She greeted the onlookers and requested them to clear the way so that she could leave for the airport to catch her flight. It was only then that the security managed to create a path between the excited onlookers to escort her to her car." Looks like there is no escaping the Salman and Character Dheela mania!

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