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Home News Bollywood Daily Vir Das hires Shahid Kapur's trainer to help him get in shape

Vir Das hires Shahid Kapur's trainer to help him get in shape

By Mid-Day | April 25, 2013, 12:49pm IST
Summary: Thanks to Shahid Kapoor's trainer, Vir Das is acquiring a taut body for his upcoming film.

Vir who has worked with Shahid in Badmaash Company thought of asking him for some tips.

"I have seen Shahid following a strict diet and working out so I called him. He recommended Abbas's name to me. Since I was doing stunts for my film with Tigmanshu Dhulia for the first time I wanted to have a perfect body," Vir says.

The actor is spending nearly four hours every day at the gym. He adds, "As a stand-up comedian, after the show I was used to gorge on pizzas and beer. Now I have stopped consuming all this. Abbas has helped me a lot and I can really feel the change. People are complimenting me saying that how I look nice on screen now."

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