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Home News Bollywood Daily Generous Shilpa Shetty recommends her make-up man

Generous Shilpa Shetty recommends her make-up man

By Mid-Day | April 29, 2013, 7:48am IST
Summary: Impressed with his work during a photo shoot, Shilpa Shetty recommends her make-up artiste to Vikram Bawa.

Vikram Bawa is no stranger to star tantrums. However, at a recent shoot for a magazine, Bawa was impressed by Shilpa Shetty and her behaviour towards her staff members.

Shilpa, who has lost 22 kg post-pregnancy, was shooting at a suburban hotel. The actress praised her makeup artist Ajay Shelar for his flawless work and technique.

An onlooker says, "I never, thought that any Bollywood star would be so generous and thoughtful. But when she recommended her make-up artist to Vikram, it was unique. The artiste does not even work with her full time but her praising him was unheard."

Shilpa shrugs off the incident saying, "Ajay is talented and such hardworking people should be encouraged. As an actor, you learn to travel a lot with your staff and hence you learn to trust them too. Vikram recognises and respects talent and he too loved the work of Ajay so he was more than happy to hire him."

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