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Home News Bollywood Domestic Box Office Faltu Dominates Completely As Game Falters

Faltu Dominates Completely As Game Falters

By FNN | April 2, 2011, 12:49pm IST
Faltu opened well and got stronger as the day progresed. The first day all India average was around 60-70%. The film has decent reports but competition in terms of the Cricket World Cup final and Thank You next week so remains to be seen where theatrical business goes. Saturday will take a huge fall and it will be dependent on what happens on Sunday and Monday but with Game out of the picture as far as box office is concerned it has changes of a healthy first week total. Game is a disaster. The first day collections were awful at 10-15% and reports are not good leaving it with no chance at the box office. Tanu Weds Manu continues its rock steady run with another 2.50 crore nett to take its five week total to 38.50 crore nett. HIT

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