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Home News Bollywood Industry 'Films and marketing plans should be conceived together'

'Films and marketing plans should be conceived together'

By FNN | February 28, 2012, 12:10pm IST
MUMBAI: Innovative marketing is must for a film's success, feels Mahesh Bhatt who launched the music of his next project "Blood Money" on a yacht out at sea, saying by doing so the bar had been raised.

"If you conceive a film but have not thought about the marketing, then you will be in trouble. In just three days, a film's fate is decided. No matter how bad a film might be, but if it runs houseful nobody has the guts to say anything against it. So, marketing is very important," Bhatt told FUNRAHI.

However, Bhatt feels it's not easy to market a film as it decides the fate of the film.

"After making the film, marketing it is altogether a different marathon. It is not easy to get you all here on this boat (for instance)," he added.

Bhatt, the media and the team of "Blood Money" were Monday ferried from the Gateway of Indai to the yacht.

Bhatt says by launching the music on a yacht, Vikram Malhotra, CEO of Viacom 18, has "raised the bar".

"After this it is going to be difficult for us to match the kind of expectation that you guys will have on us. We can't take you to the moon after this. But never say never," he said.

"We have always believed that marketers don't have that kind of passion as that of the creative team. There is a sort of disconnection. But when Viacom showed us the presentation, we were humbled," he added.

Directed by debutant Vishal Mahadkar, "Blood Money" stars Kunal Khemu and Amrita Puri in the lead roles. Co-produced by Vishesh Films and Viacom18 Motion Pictures, it is scheduled to release March 30.

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