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Home News Bollywood Industry 'Hate Story' Poster helps it fetch Rs 10 Crore!

'Hate Story' Poster helps it fetch Rs 10 Crore!

By FNN | March 2, 2012, 6:51am IST

'Hate Story' Poster helps it fetch Rs 10 Crore!The first look of the film helps fetch over Rs 10 cr for all India Theatrical Rights apart from generating much hype around the film.

Looks like the 'shock value' of the bare back poster of Vikram Bhatt's forthcoming production Hate Story is working. The film, which is said to be earlier struggling to get its territories sold, is now fetching a good price, thanks to the 'well-exposed' poster.

Well-placed trade sources reveal that the Vivek Agnihotri directed film featuring Nikhil Dwivedi and Bengali actress Paoli Dam has fetched over Rs 10 crore for all India theatrical rights. Incidentally the shooting for the erotic thriller penned by Bhatt is still under way and is scheduled to be wrapped up in another week.

"Our focus was to complete the film first. However, the first poster that was released, has generated so much hype that the theatrical rights for India were soon sold off for a price not exactly anticipated earlier," says Funrahi sources.

Distributor Ajay Bagbai of Rajvi Entertainment Pvt Ltd has acquired the India theatrical rights for this Bhatt production. Needless to say, director Agnihotri is thrilled with the response to the poster and the consecutive deal. "Within eight to 10 hours, we got 22 lakh views on one site alone. Besides, it has generated a lot of curiosity in the interiors and small towns too," he enthuses, adding that producer Bhatt had faith in the concept. "Vikram has written the script. And even while discussing the poster, he came up with this idea."

Agnihotri concedes that he had not anticipated such a kind of response. He says, "This kind of a deal is like a certificate of approval for the product. So the responsibility to deliver is greater now."

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