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Home News Bollywood Industry Now, a docu-drama on Rajiv Gandhi's assassination

Now, a docu-drama on Rajiv Gandhi's assassination

By Mid-Day | April 25, 2013, 12:55pm IST
Summary: Aditya Om is making a docu-drama on the late Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi's assassination, the first on this rather sensitive topic.

In Pic: Aditya Om

Mainstream Hindi cinema usually prefers to shy away from controversial topics. As the end result, films based on our political figures areseldom seen. Much against the prevalent trend, a docu-drama on Rajiv Gandhi's assassination is in the offing and will release next year.

Aditya Om, whose last directorial venture was Bandook, is helming this particular project. However, he emphasises the need to keep his film high on documentary and low on drama. "Since it's covering the events and mystery surrounding the death of a young Indian leader, I want to keep it as real as possible. The film relies heavily on archives, testimonies in court, observations made by various commissions, books written on the subject and investigative filmmaking. I'm basically following Michael Moore style of filming," admits the young filmmaker.

The recording has already begun in Mumbai while Doordarshan along with Films Division are assisting him with the required footages.

"I'm currently interviewing people related to the subject as my work strives to connect the dots and offers a different perspective to the tragic event. The basic idea is to gauge the geo-political realities, international intrigue and behind-the-curtain political machinations of that particular period. It hints at a conspiracy and a plan far deeper than what has been propagated," adds the 37-year-old.

Considering the project'scontroversial nature, the filmmaker says it's not his intention to malign or praise anyone. "I just want to present the truth from my point of view," sums up Aditya.

The departed

The assassination of Rajiv Gandhi, the ex-Prime Minister of India, occurred as a result of a suicide bombing in Sriperumbudur in Tamil Nadu on 21 May 1991. At least 14 others were also killed. The attack was blamed on LTTE, a separatist organisation from Sri Lanka.

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