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Home News Bollywood Industry Katrina Kaif has no time to be 'Sheila' again!

Katrina Kaif has no time to be 'Sheila' again!

By Mid-Day | April 25, 2013, 1:41pm IST
Summary: Katrina Kaif has turned down three item numbers due to her busy schedule.

Katrina Kaif's Sheila Ki Jawani act may have grabbed eyeballs but the actress now has no time to do item numbers! The actress has been apparently approached by three film makers to do an item song in their film. But Kat had to refuse all of them due to paucity of time.

Says a source, "Katrina loves dancing. She is equally enthusiastic about the rehearsals. She does not mind doing more item numbers. When the offers came her way, she was greatly excited. However her tight schedule this year leaves no time for item numbers."

Adds the source, "Some directors feel she is a lucky mascot for them. They even think that her presence in the song is like a guarantee of superhit songs." According to choreographer Terence Lewis, "Her face makes her look sweet no matter what she does." Vaibhavi Merchant who has worked with the actress states, "Street dance, krumping, hip hop, salsa and the typical Bollywood style dance -- she can do it all in one go."

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