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Home News Bollywood Movies Arjun Kapoor wears 45 suits in 'Aurangzeb'

Arjun Kapoor wears 45 suits in 'Aurangzeb'

By Mid-Day | April 19, 2013, 3:48pm IST
Summary: Clad in a lot of different formal outfits in the film, Arjun Kapoor had a tough time executing his vigorous action scenes while wearing them.

Ever wondered how the likes of Jason Statham and Jackie Chan carry out all those incredible stunts in films wearing the stiff collared tuxedos? Sure looks easier than done! And that's exactly what Arjun Kapoor experienced while shooting for his upcoming film Aurangzeb in which he plays a double role for the first time.

Arjun wears a lot of suits for one of his roles in Atul Sabharwal's directorial debut. A source says, "One of the guys he's essaying is someone who looks very harmless but won't think twice before taking his gun out. And he's very savvy too as far as his crisp outlook goes. No wonder Arjun is going to be seen in several shades of form-fitting jackets and all. In fact, he has worn over 45 suits throughout the film."

The trouble for the Ishaqzaade star started when he had to perform all the heavy-action sequences in his suits! Sounds uncomfortable? Well, yes.

"It's quite obvious that when you're running around and have hand-to-hand fight scenes -- not to forget, handling heavy guns -- formal clothing wouldn't be the ideal choice. But then he is playing a suave killer and not someone who is going to switch from suits to informal wear just for comfort's sake," adds the source.

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