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Home News Bollywood Movies Aamir Khan to do some trapeze and mid-air acts for 'Dhoom 3'

Aamir Khan to do some trapeze and mid-air acts for 'Dhoom 3'

By Mid-Day | April 24, 2013, 1:01pm IST
Summary: Aamir Khan, who essays a gymnast in Vijay Krishna Acharya's thriller, has been shooting in a circus tent.

Aamir Khan is reportedly shooting for his introduction song as well as several scenes for Dhoom 3 at Film City. As the star essays a gymnast (a circus gymnast to be precise!) in Vijay Krishna Acharya's thriller, a circus tent has been put up for the shoot.

Says a source, "He will be indulging in trapeze and mid-air acts for the shoot. The place has been booked for good long 40 days. European dancers and performers will be performing with him in the song."

The star has also become even more leaner as preparation for the shoot.

Says a source,"Aamir is seen pumping iron around the sets. He wants to be fit as a fiddle. He has been training day in and day out for his look keeping his diet in check despite his other commitments."

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