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Home News Hollywood Daily Sacha Baron Cohen's Joke Leaves Ryan Seacrest in the Dust: What Hollywood Is Saying

Sacha Baron Cohen's Joke Leaves Ryan Seacrest in the Dust: What Hollywood Is Saying

By FNN | February 27, 2012, 2:45pm IST
Summary: Industry personalities weigh in on "The Dictator's" practical joke on the E! red carpet co-host.

Sacha Baron Cohen's Joke Leaves Ryan Seacrest in the Dust: What Hollywood Is Saying

During the E! red carpet pre-Oscars show, Ryan Seacrest got "ashed" in his interview with Sacha Baron Cohen dressed as "The Dictator," the title character from his upcoming movie.

It may have been a joke to The Dictator, but Seacrest wasn't in on it. "My mom always told me to pack two jackets for red carpets, always wondered why. Now I know," he tweets.

Seacrest, who seemed to be in good spirits throughout the whole ordeal, later jokes with 30 Rock star Tina Fey, "I'm a little dusty." To which the comedian and actress responds, "You're a victim of comedy."

The reactions were mixed on Twitter, but according to Funrahi's poll at the time of this posting, 32 percent of people said the stunt was 'so not funny,' 57 percent said 'it was hilarious' and 12 percent said 'it was a great Oscars moment but rude.'

Several industry personalities weighed in on Twitter, as well. American Idol colleague Randy Jackson tweets, "Gotta holla at @RyanSeacrest about he and Sacha's weird ashes later at the party's."

Kelly Osbourne weighs in on her E! red carpet co-host's incident, "I'm sorry @RyanSeacrest this was the moment of the night!"

Yet, Piers Morgan disagrees with Baron Cohen's spill completely, tweeting: "This is just not funny. At all. Really."

However, the majority of Hollywood tweeters seemed more entertained by the incident than disappointed. The View co-host Joy Behar writes, "Loving the Dicator spilling Kim Jong il's ashes onto Ryan Seacrest's tux. Sacha Baron Cohen is the funniest."

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