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Home News Hollywood Industry Robert Downey Jr. Caught 'Tebowing' at the Oscars

Robert Downey Jr. Caught 'Tebowing' at the Oscars

By FNN | February 27, 2012, 2:51pm IST
Summary: The "Iron Man" star strikes the Denver Bronco quarterback's signature pose before presenting at Sunday's ceremony.

Robert Downey Jr. Caught 'Tebowing' at the Oscars

Tim Tebow can count Robert Downey Jr. among his many fans.

In one of the Oscars' most irreverent moments, the Iron Man actor paid homage to the 24-year-old NFL quarterback before presenting the award for best documentary alongside Gwyneth Paltrow. Before coming onstage, Downey bent down on one knee and prayed, Tebow-style, copying the Denver Bronco's signature pose-turned-Internet meme.

The actor, who recently welcomed a son with producer-wife Susan Levin Downey, then launched into a bit with Paltrow wherein he attempted to film a documentary about -- how meta -- introducing the trophy for best doc, which went to Undefeated.

"Look, I turned down The Descendants to prep for this," he said, while Paltrow tried to stop him.


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