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Home News Hollywood Movies Harish Patel, Kulvinder Ghir and Amara Karan Heat Up Curry Comedy Cast for 'Jadoo'

Harish Patel, Kulvinder Ghir and Amara Karan Heat Up Curry Comedy Cast for 'Jadoo'

By FNN | February 28, 2012, 12:59pm IST
Summary: British cookery guru and writer Madhur Jaffrey to star as a cookery judge in writer/director Amit Gupta’s comedy.

Harish Patel, Kulvinder Ghir and Amara Karan Heat Up Curry Comedy Cast for 'Jadoo'

LONDON -- Harish Patel, actor and comedian Kulvinder Ghir, Amara Karan and actress, writer and cookery guru Madhur Jaffrey lead the cast of restaurant comedy Jadoo.

Patel and Ghir star in the story of two warring brothers who Karan attempts to reunite so they can cook her wedding banquet in writer/director Amit Gupta's movie.

Scheduled to shoot in March/April in Leicester, England, Jaffrey will turn out as the judge of the national curry competition at the climax of the film.

The story comes from Gupta's own life experience.

The writer/director used to live above the family restaurant, The Chaat House, on the Golden Mile in Leicester's Little India district. His mother and his aunt still run the restaurant today.

The project sees Gupta team with AIR Productions, led by Amanda Faber, Isabelle Georgeaux and Richard Holmes and Nikki Parrott from Tigerlily to make the film.

Gupta's big screen debut Resistance, starring Andrea Riseborough, Tom Wlaschiha and Michael Sheen, was produced by Holmes and Faber.

Holmes told Funrahi the newly formed AIR Productions aims to make Jadoo the first from the banner and plans to produce together on various projects.

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