Saheb Biwi Aur Gangster Returns collected 3 crore approx in its second week. The two week distributor share is 10.57 crore approx. Below is the second week circuit-wise breakdow...
Tanu Weds Manu has done very well East Punjab in week two. The drop in second week from first week is 53%. The share from the circuit is 1.75 crore plus. WEEK ONE Frida...
Tanu Weds Manu scored very well in East Punjab. The distributor share was 1.27 crore. A much bigger film like Patiala House collected 2.83 crore and even a major success like On...
Tere Naal Love Ho Gaya managed fair collections in East Punjab in week one while Jodi Breakers was dull but did better in East Punjab than most other circuits. The daily collect...
Saheb Biwi Aur Gangster picked up slightly after a slow start especially in the cities of North India. The film did its best business in the North and Central markets while busi...
Dum Maaro Dum grossed 2 crore nett approx in its third week. The three week distributor share is 15 crore approx. Below is the third week territorial breakdown of the film. M...
Dum Maaro Dum grossed 6.50 crore nett approx in its second week. The distributor share is 14.25 crore approx. Below is the second week territorial breakdown of the film. ...