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If Rahul the rock star has got the voice and the looks, Vishal, the writer has the brains. If Malvika, the fashion design student and biker chick can get heads turning with just her looks, Preity, the photographer, can say a million things with her pretty pictures. What Vishal and Preity can't do, is spell it out to Malvika and Rahul that they heart them. But 'Liking' someone on Facebook is a lot easier. And when you can't make it on your own, the best thing to do is to fake it. So, Vishal becomes Rahul and Preity becomes Malvika by taking their identities online and they start fraaandshipping each other. They chat, 'like', tag and LOL together and do a great job of pretending to be someone else. But, the question remains, how long can you fake true love? In short, Rahul loves Malvika. And Malvika loves Rahul. But Rahul is not Rahul. Rahul is Vishal. And Vishal loves Malvika too. But Malvika is not Malvika either. Malvika is Preity. And Preity loves Rahul. But Preity hates Vishal. And Vishal hates Preity. MUJHSE FRAAANDSHIP KAROGE. THIS SEASON'S MOST SCREWED UP LOVE STORY.

In Theaters: October 14th, 2011

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