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A cold fury seeps in Ranveer's heart after the death of his lover and partner in crime, Sonia. In Race 2, we are exposed to Ranveer's multi faceted personality and his determination to avenge Sonia's killer. We are also reintroduced to RD and his new assistant Cherry who support him in his endeavors. In his attempt to track Sonia's killer, he meets Armaan and his fiance Omisha along with Aleena. Armaan Mallick heads the Indian mafia in Turkey; and with his partner Aleena they run the shrewdest criminal outfit in the country. Ranveer treads through a world of ruthlessness depending only on his wits to accomplish his goal. A world where betrayal lurks at every corner, where loyalties change every minute and where love is just a four-letter word. Set in the exotic locales of Turkey, the narrative takes unexpected twists and turns and moves at breakneck speed to keep you at the edge of your seat.

In Theaters: January 25th, 2013

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