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SHOOTOUT AT WADALA is the explosive true story of the war between Dawood, Manya Surve & Inspector Isaaque Bagwaan and the first encounter killing in Bombay. In 1982, Bombay witnessed an infamous encounter in Lokhandwala. The news was telecast by the BBC and covered extensively by the media across the country and internationally. Till date more than 820 encounters have been recorded in the files of Mumbai police, but where did it all begin? Who started it? When, where and how did it happen? SHOOTOUT AT WADALA is the answer to all these questions - the unbelievable true story of the first ever encounter in Bombay. An epic story, with overwhelming machismo. It outlines the rampant gang wars in Bombay and culminates in an explosive 3-way face-off between the dreaded gangster Dawood, the notorious & charismatic gangster Manya Surve & Inspector Isaaque Bagwaan. Based on S. Hissain Zaidi's book "Dongri to Dubai - Six Decades of The Mumbai Mafia".

In Theaters: May 3rd, 2013

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