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The Lion of Judah, a laugh-filled, heart warming story seen through the eyes of a zany cast of stable animals. Take an eye-opening adventure with a lovable pig (Horace), a faint-hearted horse (Monty), a finicky rat (Slink), a rambling rooster (Drake), a motherly cow (Esmay), a downtrodden donkey (Jack) and a heroic lamb (Judah) and you have got a classic in the making. Upon learning that Judah has been trapped in the clutches of the townspeople and faces the possibility of being the sacrifice at the annual Festival, the stable mates leave their cozy barn and embark on a hilariously funny series of adventures to find and free their friend. During their numerous attempts to find Judah, a wonderful story emerges as they intercept, interact and entwine with history finally seeking out the King, who was born in their stable more than 30 years earlier. The antics of our unique cast crates a uniquely funny and entertaining epic as it winds its way through numerous side-splitting encounters and historical scenes. The whole family will enjoy the telling of this wonderful story as it delicately combines biblical texture and timing and treats the most impacting events with care and humility. Without a doubt, The Lion of Judah will leave you in awe of the power that one lamb can command.

In Theaters: June 3rd, 2011

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