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The Place Beyond the Pines is the new movie from the director of Blue Valentine. Luke (Ryan Gosling) is a motorcycle performer. While passing through Schenectady, NY, he learns that a former lover, Romina (Eva Mendes), has given birth to their son Jason. Luke decides to give up life on the road to try and provide for his newfound family. His employer Robin (Ben Mendelsohn) proposes to partner in a string of bank robberies – which will place Luke on the radar of ambitious rookie cop Avery Cross (Bradley Cooper). Avery, who has to navigate a police department ruled by corrupt detective Deluca (Ray Liotta), is also struggling to balance life with his wife Jennifer (Rose Byrne) and their infant son AJ. The consequences of Avery's confrontation with Luke reverberate into the next generation, when the two sons, Jason (Dane DeHaan) and AJ (Emory Cohen), must face their fateful, shared legacy.

In Theaters: March 29th, 2013

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