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Home Videos Bollywood Behind the Scenes Aurangzeb Making - Part 1
Release Date: 17th May 2013
Genre: Drama
Starring: Arjun Kapoor & Introducing Sasheh Aagha
Written & Directed by: Atul Sabharwal
Producer: Aditya Chopra
Music: Amartya Rahut, Vipin Mishra
Lyrics: Puneet Sharma, Manoj Kumar Nath, Vipin Mishra

Gurgaon is the most modern boom-town of "India Shining", the new frontier to be conquered by those who understand real estate. This city rose from a small town to a boom town satellite city in just fifteen years. However the law and order is yet to catch up. A family of Policemen... A family of Gangsters... Under the guise of a respected citizen, Yashwardhan (Jackie Shroff) runs a parallel world -- a world, where he is the Emperor. To bring down a criminal... the law will have to now think like a criminal! -- Published on May 17, 2013

Aurangzeb Making - Part 1

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