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Home Videos Bollywood Events and Parties Bobby Chawla's Funeral Video - Shahrukh Khan, Deepika Padukone & Juhi Chawla
Juhi Chawla's elder brother, Bobby Chawla, passed away on the morning of March 9. He was lying in a state of coma since April 2010, after he had suffered a stroke while having dinner at a restaurant. Bobby, also known as Sanjeev Chawla, was also the former CEO of Shahrukh Khan's company, Red Chillies Entertainment. Among those who attended the funeral were Shahrukh Khan, Mushtaq Shiekh and Anubhav Sinha. We hope that Bobby's departed soul rests in peace! -- Published on March 11, 2014

Bobby Chawla's Funeral Video - Shahrukh Khan, Deepika Padukone & Juhi Chawla

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