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Home Videos Bollywood Events and Parties Humshakals : Press Conference - Mumbai - Saif, Riteish, Ram, Sajid, Esha, Tammannah
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The Humshakals Press Conference was a laugh-a-minute treat for all present. Held in PVR Cinemas Andheri, the entire cast and director got together to address the media. It was Saif at his dapper best, Ritiesh and his witty retorts, Ram and his good-natured humor and Sajid helming it all. Add the glamour of Esha Gupta and Tammannah Bhatia, and we have a cracker of a conference. Watch Now ! Humshakals releases on 20th June. -- Published on June 3, 2014

Humshakals : Press Conference - Mumbai - Saif, Riteish, Ram, Sajid, Esha, Tammannah

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