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Home Videos Bollywood Hot News Abhishek Bachchan Says Pardon The Immodesty Uday Chopra and I are 'Dhoom' (Exclusive)
Actor Abhishek Bachchan, who has been a constant feature in the Dhoom series, says he is the hero of the film which could not have been made without him and co-star Uday Chopra. Actors Abhishek Bachchan and Uday Chopra have been part of the "Dhoom" franchise's journey from the time it took off in 2004. And Abhishek believes that other characters of the film may come and go unlike his and Uday's. -- Published on December 20, 2013

Abhishek Bachchan Says Pardon The Immodesty Uday Chopra and I are 'Dhoom' (Exclusive)

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