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Home Videos Bollywood Movie Promos 'Satya 2' Official Theatrical Trailer - Puneet Singh Ratn, Anaika Soti
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'Satya 2' is about a man who comes in 2013 to reinvent the underworld. Armed with the knowledge which he has acquired through research and study of mistakes made by all previous underworld dons, he starts a new underworld company which operates just like any corporate organization. He also develops ways to deal with the modern day policing methods. So 'Satya 2' is about a man whose thinking starts where earlier dons' thinking ended. Directed by Ram Gopal Varma, stars Puneet Singh Ratn and Anaika. -- Published on October 1, 2013

'Satya 2' Official Theatrical Trailer - Puneet Singh Ratn, Anaika Soti

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