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Everyone knows the job doesnt end once you win an oscar...now youve got the whole world watching, and you better have something cool to say! Here are our top 3 speech picks!

3.Christopher Plummer--- I just loved seeing Plummer win his first academy award...he is officially the oldest person to take home an oscar and even made a joke about it, siting that he is only 4 years younger than the academy awards, which if you cant do the math, makes plummer 84 years old!

2. Ocatvia spencer for the help...she won best actress in a supporting role and we just LOVED her honest, emotion filled reaction...she was so genuinely grateful for the recognition...she even thanked the whole state of alabama!!! .

So what do you guys think of our picks? What what your favorite speech? let us know in the comment section below and be sure to keep it locked right here on Funrahi movies, your number one stop for award show coverage! -- Published on February 27, 2012

Best Speeches at the 2012 Oscars

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