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Home Videos Hollywood Events and Parties Star Trek Into Darkness: Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto at Australian premiere
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Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto hit the red carpet in Australia to discuss Star Trek Into Darkness. Fans swarmed the red carpet in Sydney for a glimpse of Pine and co-star Quinto, who play Captain James Kirk and Mr. Spock in the sequel to J.J. Abrams's highly acclaimed reboot of the famous franchise. "It's a lot of fun. I love Kirk," said Pine, reprising his role as the suave captain in the film. Into Darkness follows the crew of the Enterprise starship as they return to an Earth left in chaos, with Kirk, Spock and the rest of the crew, including Zoe Soldana as Lieutenant Uhura, setting out to capture those responsible. Report by Stephanie Prentice. -- Published on April 26, 2013

Star Trek Into Darkness: Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto at Australian premiere

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