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Home Videos Hollywood Events and Parties The Avengers Win Best Movie & Loki Best Villain 2013 MTV Movie Awards
Avengers Best Movie & Loki Best Villain at 2013 MTV Movie Awards! The MTV Movie Awards were all about The Avengers and more specifically, actor Tom Hiddelston. Not only did the Avengers take home the award for Best Movie, Hiddelston also nabbed personal awards for best fight scene and best villain for his acclaimed portrayal of Loki of Asgard! The actor graced the MTV stage where he gave the audience a bit of a Loki impression and shared his gratitude with the fans and with Avengers director Joss Whedon, as well as the rest of the star-studded cast. Our favorite villain also thanked a One Direction boybander, and you know what, we kind of love him even more now. In fact, I personally think Loki is incredibly misunderstood. Here's what happened when I asked Tom Hiddelston his thoughts on the matter -- Published on April 15, 2013

The Avengers Win Best Movie & Loki Best Villain 2013 MTV Movie Awards

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