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Home Videos Hollywood Hot News Ridley Scott Talks 'Prometheus' Rating & 'Alien' Connection
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Ridley Scott talks promethus and ive got the details! Excitement is sky-high right now for director Ridley Scott's return to the realm of horrifying science-fiction with Prometheus and because everything has been so hush hush, everyone wants to hear what Scott has to say about the project. Here's what Scott says about the rating for Prometheus via Empire:
"The question is, do you go for the PG-13, [which] financially makes quite a difference, or do you go for what it should be, which is R? Essentially, it's kinda R. It's not just about the blood, it's about ideas that are very stressful. I'm not an idiot, but I'll do everything I can to get the most aggressive film I can." Early Prometheus footage has strongly hinted it probably wont be pg13, considering that imagery of characters' faces being melted or people slumping around half-naked, splattered with blood. Scott also reiterated that the backstory for The Space Jockey was a big factor in his decision to call the shots on Prometheus, rather than hand it over to another director:
"[I've wanted to revisit the 'Alien' universe for] years! Years, years, years. I always wondered when they did ['Aliens'] 2,3 and 4 why they hadn't touched upon that, instead of evolving into some other fantastic story. They missed the biggest question of them all: who's the big guy [the Space Jockey]? And where were they going? And with what? Why that cargo? There's all kinds of questions." So hopefully we will get some more info as the release of promethus comes closer, and you know as we do learn we will keep you posted! Im Tatiana carrier thanks so much for watching! -- Published on March 29, 2012

Ridley Scott Talks 'Prometheus' Rating & 'Alien' Connection

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