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Home Videos Hollywood Hot News 'The Avengers' Breaking Records Overseas
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The avengers break records and we've got the details!

The avengers doesn't come out in the U.S. until May 4th but those superheros are breaking major records over seas! The flick has been released in some international markets, and as expected is doing phenomenial!

The Avengers earned $17.1M from 10 countries: including $6.2M in Australia, $2.7M in Italy, $2.9 in France, $1.3M in the Philippines, $1.3M in Taiwan, and $800K in New Zealand.. With just over a week until the U.S. release, MovieTickets.com reports the superhero actioner "is pre-selling more tickets for the upcoming release than the online ticketing company sold for Captain America, Thor, Iron Man 2, and Iron Man combined!

SO only one more week and the US can assemble with the avengers! I have to ask all of my international viewers that saw the avengers, what did you think! NO SPOILERS!!! Just rate the movie for us, on a scale from 1-10! Im Tatiana carrier thanks so much for watching! -- Published on April 26, 2012

'The Avengers' Breaking Records Overseas

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