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Home Videos Hollywood Television The Voice Season 4 Blind Audtitions feat Grace Askew
The Voice Season 4 Blind Auditions continued with some awesome performances from Grace Askew and Ryan Innes.

Blind Auditions Performances:
Michael Austin - Keith Urban's Somebody Like You (Team Adam)
Mary Miranda - Selena's Como La Flor (Team Shakira)
Jeff Lewis - Usher's You Got It Bad (Team Usher)
Ryan Innes - John Mayer's Gravity (Team Usher)
Sasha Allen - Dixie Chicks' Not Ready to Make Nice (Team Adam)
Caroline Glaser - Elton John's Tiny Dancer (Team Blake)
Shawna P - The Black Crowes' She Talks to Angels (Team Shakira)
Grace Askew - Nancy Sinatra's These Boots Are Made for Walkin (Team Blake) -- Published on April 9, 2013

The Voice Season 4 Blind Audtitions feat Grace Askew

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